#044: Power Play – Don’t Lose Yourself

Heart and Ice Power Play - Don't lose yourself

No matter how bad you want it or how much effort you put into it, you can’t win at everything.  Being a sore loser is really only affecting yourself and your character.  Maybe a loss or disappointment doesn’t have to be a failure – you can always pull something positive out of it or find a way that it has made you stronger.  It’s all in your perspective, how you choose to play the game.  If you choose to act in accordance with the person you want to be, it will strengthen your character and make it easier for you to keep disappointments in perspective.

Game Plan:  Let any “failure” make you better, not bitter.  Choose to focus on the good, and show that you are strong enough to handle any disappointments that you face.  Always remember that there are victories in your future.

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